
Site Resurrection

Well it's been seven years since the website was updated. I suppose it was slightly overdue. DKS is still alive and well and software development continues, although at a much slower pace. However, there are a lot of new items in the works.

On the site, I'll continue building out DA2 content and walkthrough on the Wiki page. It will take a long time, so keep checking in. DA2 version 2.0 is in alpha release. It's got a few features that need fixing, but otherwise is tons better than the version 1.2 release. And it works on modern versions of Windows. I'll say more on that in a future post. Finally, I think it is time to revisit DA1 and port it to Windows, possible mobile. It might be a fun little project, particularly for anyone who hasn't been able to play it because of its age. I still fire it up on DosBox every now and then and I'm amazed at how well it holds up (except for the horrible music).